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Anyone can request to place classified ads with the NZDA by completing the form below. If you are an NZDA member please login first as standard classified ads are free to members.

Your contact details

Classified Category

Please select the appropriate category for this classified ad.

Display Dates

If you have a specific date range that this ad should show please use the Begin/End and date and time field to select this range. NZDA reserves the right to change/manage start and end dates as they see fit. By default the ad will display for 3 months from approval.

Select your classified ad type

Feature your ad and include custom links to your website or more details. Featured classified ads are highlighted with a dark green background.

Additional featured ad details

By featuring your ad, you get two extra optional buttons in your display ad. Click here to see an example.

A custom URL button would ideally link directly to a listing or application form, perhaps on a third party website.