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This presentation will examine the unique chemical properties of articaine and to the reasons why articaine is considered the most efficacious of all the local anaesthetics in dentistry. Articaine is an amide base local anaesthetic but the inclusion of a thiophene ring and overall structure leads to improved lipid solubility, metabolism and protein binding while the lower pKa means that more ions are available at the physiological pH. Furthermore, the presentation will focus on local anaesthetic safety and dispel some of the myths and misinformation about articaine.

Learning outcomes

1. Why is effective local anaesthetic important? 2. Chemical properties a. Lipid solubility b. pKa c. Protein binding d. Metabolism, and e. Vasoconstrictor 3. Safety a. Dosage b. Allergic reaction c. Administration 4. Misinformation a. Paraesthesia b. Heat c. Air bubbles


Dr Greg Mahoney BDSc, PhD, MSc(Dent), GradDipClinDent, FADI, FPFA.

Greg is a graduand of the University of Queensland’s (UQ) School of Dentistry and, after a number of years successfully owning and operating his private practice, he sought the academic challenges of further higher education. In 1997, he completed his Graduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry at the University of Sydney (USyd) in pain control and conscious sedation and in 2001, he completed his Masters of Science in Dentistry (USyd) where his thesis examined the association of workplace performance and toothache. This, then led to his PhD (UQ) centred on risk management of putative risk factors associated with unscheduled dental visits. Greg is also a Fellow of the Academies of Dentistry International and Perrier Fauchard. Greg has held a number of academic positions with the University of Queensland and Sydney. He has been president of the Australian Society of Dental Anaesthesiology (2009-2021) and the Australasian Military Medicine Association (2009-18). Furthermore, he is/has been a consultant to the Australian Defence Force and the Australian Dental Association on sedation and pain control. Greg has publications on sedation, epidemiology and medical emergencies and lectures nationally and internationally on nitrous oxide sedation, local anaesthetic and medical emergencies. As a key opinion leader for Septodont, he has a particular interest in local anaesthetic. Importantly, Greg is practicing clinician with over 40 years of experience in providing local anaesthesia to patients and dealing with phobic patients.

Why is articaine the local anaesthetic of choice across the world?


Dr Greg Mahoney BDSc, PhD, MSc(Dent), GradDipClinDent, FADI, FPFA.

Wednesday 13th Nov 2024
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Venue: Ivoclar Academy Auckland
12 Omega Street, Rosedale, Auckland, New Zealand
Region: Auckland
Brought to you by Ivoclar Vivadent
12 Omega Street
New Zealand