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Overview of NZDA Better Oral Health in New Zealand Presentation Last year, in the lead up to the election, NZDA were confronted with an avalanche of media queries seeking positions and answers from our profession on a wide range of fronts. On some, we had a clear position and mandate to speak to, while others were trickier to speak to as they comprised complex topics that had not yet been appropriately discussed and agreed with our membership. In response, and as part of our strategic priority to “lead the voice of oral health”, NZDA has developed a document for consultation with our membership titled NZDA Roadmap Toward Better Oral Health for New Zealand. The consultation document has been presented to the NZDA Board and our Advisory Council for their feedback, and approval. Now it’s time to present it to you – our membership.

Learning outcomes

This presentation will provide NZDA members with an introduction and overview of the draft Roadmap to Better Oral Health for All New Zealanders – an important document outlining proposed solutions to the current challenges facing oral health in New Zealand. This presentation will enable members to ask questions and have their feedback recorded and considered as part of this membership-wide consultation.

Further information 

Dr Amanda Johnston

Title: NZDA President A bit about me: Dr Amanda Johnston BDS, FICD Amanda is a general dentist in Whāngarei. She has had a long involvement with the Northland Branch. She has served on the NZDA board since 2012 and is currently President..

Dr Mo Amso

Title: NZDA Chief Executive A bit about me: Dr Mo Amso BDS, BSC, FRACDS, MBA Mo has been a general dentist for almost 15 years, working in both the private and public sectors. He worked for both Iwi and Pasifika clinics for several years and held the role of Dental Clinical Director for 5 years overseeing a group of three clinics across Auckland. He is currently the Chief Executive of the New Zealand Dental Association and maintains clinical practice treating special care patients at Te Whatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Auckland. In 2019, he was named NZDA’s Outstanding Young Dentist of the Year. As a migrant to Aotearoa New Zealand, Mo experienced hardship in affording dental care and his career has primarily been in community clinics treating vulnerable and low-income Kiwis. His vision for oral health is for it to be recognised as a critical part of general health and be appropriately funded. He lives in Auckland with his wife Sarah, sons David and Michael.

Dr Robin Whyman

Title: NZDA Director (Dental Policy) A bit about me: Dr Robin Whyman BDS, MComDent, FRACDS, FRACDS (DPH), FICD, FADI, Hon Life NZDA Robin is the inaugural Director (Dental Policy) at NZDA. He is well-known across the dental sector and beyond. His expertise and past roles include Executive Director at NZDA, Chief Dental Officer at the Ministry of Health, Chair of the Dental Council of New Zealand; and most recently Chief Medical & Dental Officer at Te Whatu Ora Hawke’s Bay. Robin maintains general practice dentistry in the hospital system and is a registered dental public health specialist. He will be leading NZDA’s work developing positions, policies and strategies on oral health prevention, access to care and workforce development, to name a few.

WBOP NZDA Branch General Meeting l June 2024 l Topic: NZDA Better Oral Health in New Zealand Roadshow


Dr Amanda Johnston

Dr Mo Amso

Dr Robin Whyman

Friday 19th Jul 2024
6:30pm - 9:45pm
Venue: The Hub, Hobbiton
501 Buckland Street
Region: Waikato/Bop
Brought to you by Waikato Bay of Plenty Branch NZDA
c/- 49 Robinson Street
New Zealand