Rohit Bedi, Don Macalister, Graham Shaw Various
Rohit and Graham are General Dentists, Don is an Oral Surgeon
Learn how to safely deliver Propofol and Remifentanil to provide minimal to moderate sedation guided by Bispectral (BIS) monitoring Target Controlled Infusion (TCI) is a system that delivers drugs intravenously using computer controlled pumps. For: Experienced IV sedationists with significant experience in a multi-drug technique with a desire to move to this significantly advanced technique for procedural sedation. Applicants will be required to submit their sedation experience, log books, case reports and be pre-screened for eligibility to attend this course.
You will learn the principles of Target Controlled Infusion using the Eleveld algorhythms for Propofol and Remifentanyl. Learn the Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Propofol and Remifentanyl and their synergism. Become familiar with the use of TCI infusion pumps, associated equipment and consumables. Learn how BIS can guide and facilitate providing minimal to moderate sedation. See high fidelity simulation of TCI sedation over a range of real-world scenarios.
Rohit and Graham are General Dentists, Don is an Oral Surgeon