Dr Winifred Harding
Winifred worked as an Associate dentist for 4 years after graduating and then returned to Otago for 3 years of orthodontic specialty training. Since then she has been both a self employed orthodontist in private practice and a Professional Practice Fellow at the School of Dentistry. She has experience teaching both undergraduates and postgraduates, and in managing a Craniofacial Anomaly Clinic in conjunction with Paediatric Dentistry Winifred has participated in many professional activities for NZDA and NZAO and is currently the chair of the Foundation for Orthodontic Research and Education (FORENZAO). She has had a close association with the ASO, their Research Foundation, the AOB and the AOJ, and been actively involved with the APOS and the APOC . Winifred is a keen masters athlete and certified throws official. She loves nothing more than getting out to throw a hammer or a shotput and has competed world wide. She feels blessed that work and sport have enabled her to travel extensively and is looking forward to retiring sometime before she turns 70