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The NZRC CORE Advanced course is for advanced rescuer who are expected to mange and supervise resuscitation events. The skill stations included: Adult collapse management plan. Child and Infant management plan. AED defibrillation. Manual defibrillation. ECG recognition. Initial approach to trauma. Management of airway obstruction and breathing. Management of medical emergencies. The course includes hands on scenarios to bring together the learning from the skill stations.The CORE Advanced course includes a theoretical test. There is also individual skills assessment based upon the skill stations learnt that day.

Learning outcomes

The advanced rescuer is expected to be able to manage and supervise resuscitation events following successful completion of the course.

Further information 

Diane McHale Bachelor of Nursing

I am an extremely experienced Registered Nurse and NZRC CORE Instructor. I work within the Wellington region as a Resuscitation Educator. My background in Nursing includes, Intensive Care, Post operative recovery and the assessment of the deteriorating patient. I am currently enrolled as a student in the NZQA Adult & Tertiary Teaching level 4 Course.

NZRC CORE Advanced


Diane McHale Bachelor of Nursing

Saturday 14th Dec 2024
8:30am - 5:00pm
Venue: Hutt Hospital
638 High Street
Lower hutt
Region: Wellington
Brought to you by Hutt Valley Resuscitation
638 High Street
Lower Hutt
New Zealand