Dr David Antunovic BDS Dip Clin Dent (Perio) FRACDS (Special Needs) FFOMP (RCPA) NZSSM
David Antunovic works both in a busy private practice and for the Taranaki DHB/ Te Whatu Ora Taranaki as Clinical Leader-Dental. David was a founding member of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Special Needs Dentistry (ANZASND). He is a specialist special care dentist and consultant to Taranaki Base hospital and Advisor and Educator for the Community oral Health Service. David is an External clinical advisor to ACC for treatment injury. He has practiced in NZ and central London, has undertaken postgraduate study at the University of Otago and has successfully completed fellowships with the RACDS and the RACP and has been an external examiner for both the RACDS and the University of Otago. He has been appointed Chairman of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons RACDS - New Zealand Regional Committee.