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Module 1 – Leading with Clarity and Purpose (2 hours) The importance of having of a strong vision/mission statement that provides clarity, purpose and awareness to assist in creating a collaborative and aligned team Understand the importance of each team member having clarity about their roll and how their role contributes and connects to the purpose and success of the business. Building an environment of Psychological Safety and a ‘speak up’ culture, creating greater team engagement, improved productivity and performance. Module 2 – Team Motivation and Engagement (2 hours) Understanding the key drivers that promote team engagement and motivation including: The importance of spending regular quality 1 on 1 time with each team member, gaining a deeper understanding about what motivates them. The critical role of building trust to create a motivated and engaged team Module 3 – Responsibility and Ownership in the Workplace (2 hours) How to develop a plan to improve commitment and results How focusing on empowerment and avoiding micromanagement can foster responsibility and accountability How an increased sense of accountability will raise motivation and boost engagement levels

Learning outcomes

Module 1 – Leading with Clarity and Purpose (2 hours) The importance of having of a strong vision/mission statement that provides clarity, purpose and awareness to assist in creating a collaborative and aligned team Understand the importance of each team member having clarity about their roll and how their role contributes and connects to the purpose and success of the business. Building an environment of Psychological Safety and a ‘speak up’ culture, creating greater team engagement, improved productivity and performance. Module 2 – Team Motivation and Engagement (2 hours) Understanding the key drivers that promote team engagement and motivation including: The importance of spending regular quality 1 on 1 time with each team member, gaining a deeper understanding about what motivates them. The critical role of building trust to create a motivated and engaged team Module 3 – Responsibility and Ownership in the Workplace (2 hours) How to develop a plan to improve commitment and results How focusing on empowerment and avoiding micromanagement can foster responsibility and accountability How an increased sense of accountability will raise motivation and boost engagement levels

Further information 

Maya Carson

Maya Carson: Maya is a coach and trainer with a genuine interest in people. She has a particular interest in personality, and how this affects communication in the workplace. Prior to joining Prime Practice, Maya worked in the Public Health sector and as a University Educator. Maya also applied her skills in the corporate arena with major clients including QANTAS, IAG and Symantec. Maya works with individuals and teams to develop and optimise skills, whilst challenging habitual patterns of thinking and behaving. She is firm believer that workplace performance is enhanced by developing leadership and management competencies, and enjoys facilitating clients’ insights around interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence.

Maya Carson 

How to Create a Positive Team Culture


Maya Carson

Thursday 13th Jun 2024 - Thursday 27th Jun 2024
11:00am - 1:00pm
Prime Practice Online
Level 11, 151 Castlereagh Street
Region: Sydney Nsw 2000, Australia
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Level 11
151 Castlereagh Street
Sydney, NSW