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Advanced Resuscitation Skills – Health Professionals (Hato Hone St John)

The Advanced Resuscitation Skills course is for Dentists who perform sedation. This 1-day assessed course has 4x pre-learning documents which provide 4 hours of pre-reading. This course has 5x assessment points including a 25 question multi-choice written test, a practical assessment of 2-person CPR on an adult, insertion of airway adjuncts, IM adrenaline administration, rhythm recognition and manual defibrillation. The Resuscitation training courses focuses on the following areas: 1. The practical skills of resuscitation. 2. Scenarios for the management of collapse and medical emergencies Note: The pre-reading documents will be provided in the booking confirmation email. The course bookings will close 5 days prior to the course date to ensure time for pre-reading prior to attendance.

Learning outcomes

1. Demonstrate the management of adult, child and infant collapse using DRS ABCD as a lone responder and team of two. 2. Demonstrate the safe use of a defibrillator on a collapsed adult. 3. Demonstrate effective use of resuscitation adjuncts. 4. Demonstrate effective management of airway obstruction. 5. Demonstrate teamwork and effective communication in the management of a collapse. 6. Demonstrate the use of a manual defibrillator on a collapsed adult and distinguish between the following cardiac rhythms: Sinus rhythm, Sinus bradycardia, Sinus tachycardia, Supraventricular tachycardia, Ventricular fibrillation, Ventricular tachycardia, Asystole. 7. Discuss the management and priorities of medical emergencies. 8. Identify the priorities for managing a traumatic resuscitation.

Further information 

Miriam Irving

Miriam is currently a Registered Paramedic with an authority to practice as an Extended Care Paramedic with over 14 years operational experience. Miriam is working full time Clinical Support Officer in Christchurch. Miriam has a BHSc Paramedicine degree and holds a 4098 and adult teaching certificate. Miriam has over 13 years’ experience teaching adults and 6 years’ experience as a preceptor for ambulance personnel.

Craig Jones

Craig is a Registered Paramedic with an authority to practice as a Critical Care Paramedic with over 10 years’ experience working in Invercargill full time on the Ambulance. Craig has over 10 years’ experience teaching and coaching in all parts of Hato Hone St John. Craigs qualifications include BHSc Paramedicine, Master’s in health science (endorsed in resuscitation), and he holds US 4098, and an adult teaching diploma.

Advanced Resuscitation Skills – Health Professionals (Hato Hone St John)


Miriam Irving

Craig Jones

Monday 15th Jul 2024
8:00am - 5:00pm
Venue: Hato Hone St John Christchurch
Level 1, 76 Moorhouse Ave
Christchurch 8011
Region: Canterbury