NZ Dental Journal Articles 2015
NZDJ December 2015
Article: Dental attendance, perceptions of cost and self-care of school Year 12 and 13 students: A focus on Southland, New Zealand
Murray C, Densie IK, Morgan C
Article: The use of radiography in the diagnosis of oral conditions in children and adolescents
Fogarty WP, Drummond BK, Brosnan MG
Article: A cautionary tale; squamous cell carcinoma of the gingiva
Ng P, Clark E
NZDJ September 2015
Article: Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumour of the Mandible: A Case Report of decompression with a customised removable tube and review of literature
Smit RB, Moore BK, Lou S MY
Article: Stress and coping in fourth-year medical and dental students
Harris RC, Millichamp CJ, Thomson WM
Article: Interprofessional education, dentistry, and the New Zealand experience: a commentary
Ding C, Foster Page LA, Rangnekar S.
Article: Brown tumour of the mandible in primary hyperparathyroidism; a case report
Olsen J, Sealey C
Article: The role of a bus network in access to primary health care in Metropolitan Auckland, New Zealand
Rocha CM, Mc Guire S, Whyman R, Kruger E, Tennant M
NZDJ June 2015
Article: Factors influencing the use of oral health services among adolescents in New Zealand
Børsting T, Stanley J, Smith M
Article: Direct pulp capping of permanent teeth in New Zealand general dental practice – A practice based research study
Friedlander L, McElroy K, Daniel B, Cullinan M, Hanlin S
Article: A qualitative study of the meaning of oral health and self-care for 40 Dunedin residents living on lower incomes
Fitzgerald RP, Thomson WM, Huakau G, Darrou M, Gilmore D, Sadler H, Bell RJ, Danse V, Broad B, Broughton JR
Article: Trends in paediatric maxillofacial trauma presenting to Dunedin Hospital, 2006 to 2012
Jung TK, De Silva HL, Konthasingha PP, Tong DC
NZDJ March 2015
Article: Preliminary findings from the Oranga Niho dental student outplacement project
Anderson VR, Rapana ST, Broughton JR, Seymour GJ, Rich AM
Article: An exploratory study of parental knowledge of early childhood oral health care in Southland, New Zealand
Chia L, Densie I, Morgan C
Article: The impact of patient’s complaints on New Zealand dentists
Stuart T, Cunningham W